Article – Solutions for migraine sufferers

Migraines are a very common but complex issue

Many of my patients suffer from migraine headaches. The prevalence of self-reported migraine in the U.S. population is high, affecting one in five women, one in 16 men, and even one in 11 children. More than 30 million people in the U.S. have 1 or more migraine headaches every year.

I view migraine headaches as a combination of mechanical and biochemical issues.

Mechanical issues
Mechanical issues, some very simplistic, can cause migraine headaches. For instance, migraines can be related to neck trauma. This trauma can be from something so minimal that it is not even memorable such as a physical twist that occurs on a roller coaster ride. This twisting motion moves something in the top of the neck and causes a cascading reaction which can cause migraines.

Biochemical issues
Biochemically, migraines are a serotonin problem, similar to depression. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter the brain uses for cell-to-cell communication. Drugs used to abort migraines (see below) mimic serotonin. Increasing brain serotonin levels can help prevent migraines. This can be done with Nutritional supplements (NRP)

Pharmaceutical drugs used to abort migraines are numerous and can include:

As with any condition, the doctor’s job is to help the patient determine the best plan of care and implement it. Ideally, the treatment needs to alleviate symptoms and if possible, cure the condition altogether.

Palliative approaches to migraines (symptom relief):

Note: biochemical methods like drugs, herbs and supplements are never curative. They are only palliative, but often very effective.

Curative approaches to migraine
(methods that may permanently reduce it or cure it altogether):

  • Chiropractic (conventional and NUCCA): sometimes just palliative, but sometimes curative
  • Homeopathy

Palliative and curative methods can be combined.
An in-person visit is usually necessary in order to determine the best personalized care plan. I talk to the patients at length about their life, medical history and symptoms. Then a physical exam is done. Next we come up with a plan which may include several of the methods mentioned above. The goal is always to provide the quickest relief as possible and hopefully use a curative approach long term.

Note: Many of my patients find such great relief with medical cannabis, they are not interested in anything else to make improvement more permanent. I feel this approach can be short-sighted. When we implement some of the more curative modalities, these patients find they need less cannabis. Besides feeling better, they also save money, which is a win-win.

I have found that in many cases increasing the patient’s serotonin levels using serotonin precursors (nutritional supplements) reduces the frequency and intensity of migraines. When this happens it often makes pharmaceutical drugs unnecessary.

NeuroResearch Protocol
NeuroResearch Protocol is one of the best biochemical methods of treatment of neurotransmitter imbalance disorders available. These disorders include migraines, mood disorders, ADD, OCD, movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease and others.

NeuroResearch supplements contain amino acids 5-HTP, L-tyrosine, L-Dopa and other nutritional components to assist the body in achieving proper neurotransmitter balance and alleviate symptoms. These are all natural substances found in food, not drugs. They have virtually no side effects. They are often very effective for migraine headaches.

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