Case Study – ADD/ADHD – Girl

A girl who had ADD/ADHD came into see Dr. Mirman. Before coming in for the appointment her mother said that she exhibited many symptoms of the condition. She would only wear leggings and big baggie sweat shirts; no jeans because she said they bothered her. She would wear her hood over her head and her mother would only be allowed to comb through her hair at bath time. The adoptive mother took her out of public school and started homeschooling her but that was not a solution, it was a disaster. She would just lie on the floor and wouldn’t participate. For the first few months the mother was reduced to reading to her because she refused to read or write on her own. The mother even looked into sending her to a special school for children with special needs.

After starting the supplements with Dr. Mirman the little girl has been thriving! After only three weeks of the amino acids she never again cried or asked for her birth mother and her anxiety level dissipated.

When the mother shared the girl’s progress with her former psychiatrist at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis, the therapist couldn’t believe the difference!!

The girl’s behavior was so improved that she won TWO pageants in one month!! The mother was thrilled with her progress and the amazing success of Dr. Mirman’s therapy.